British Executions

Joseph Cook

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: burglary

Date Of Execution: 24 Mar 1786

Crime Location:

Execution Place:

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Joseph Cook guilty of a burglary in the dwelling house of John Hawkes Sanders in the parish of St Helen, Worcester on 5th May 1785: stealing therefrom 12 yards of cotton jean (valued at 40/-), 6 yards of corded striped cotton (valued at 18/-), 2 yards of Hair shag (valued at 21/-), 3 yards of velveret (valued at 9/-), 18 yards of woollen cloth (valued at 50/-), 6 yards of woollen cloth (valued at 26/-), 2 yards of woollen serge (valued at 3/-), 3 yards of drab woollen cloth (valued at 12/-), 3 pairs of stockings (valued at 4/-), 6 yards of white corduroy (valued at 16/-), ¾ of a yard of cotton (valued at 2/-), 60 yards of linen cloth (valued at £3), 18 yards of canvas (valued at 12/-) and 16 yards of hempen cloth (valued at 11/-).